Navigating the financial journey for your startup can feel like exploring a new city without a map. It's a path filled with critical decisions and significant milestones, and without proper guidance, it can seem daunting.

We had the opportunity to sit down with Even Dahl, the co-founder of Acterio, to gather his expert advice to simplify your journey and arm you with practical tips. 

From dream to doing: the money path

The early days: proving it is a good idea first

Even highlights a fundamental shift in mindset for early-stage startups: focus on validating your idea before seeking funding. "Don't go after funds until you really need them," he advises. Use simple approaches like emails and chats to measure interest in your idea. This phase is crucial for demonstrating the viability of your concept with minimal financial resources.

Extending the idea validation phase

To further solidify your idea's foundation, consider creating a minimum viable product (MVP) or prototype. This approach allows you to gather feedback from potential customers and make necessary adjustments before pursuing significant funding. Engage with your target audience through surveys, social media, and beta testing to collect valuable insights. Demonstrating traction and user interest can significantly strengthen your position when you are ready to seek funding.

Understanding the money stages

As your idea gains momentum, familiarizing yourself with the various funding stages becomes essential. From angel investors who support the initial concept and team to Series C funding aimed at scaling revenue, each phase serves a specific purpose. Even talks about a roadmap for navigating these stages, aligning your funding efforts with your business milestones.

Diving deeper into funding stages

Beyond the traditional rounds, explore alternative funding options such as grants, crowdfunding, and revenue-based financing. These sources can offer financial support without diluting ownership. Research and identify the best fit for your startup's stage and goals. Networking with fellow entrepreneurs and attending industry events can also uncover unique funding opportunities tailored to your sector.

The money path illustration

How to nail your funding strategy

Figuring out what you need

Even recommends a strategic approach to funding: accurately determine the capital required to achieve your next significant milestone. This involves a detailed analysis of your operational expenses, product development needs, and hiring plans. Crafting a financial strategy that aligns with your business model and market targets is crucial.

Expanding your financial planning

In addition to calculating immediate needs, project your financial runway to ensure sustainability between funding rounds. Consider scenarios that might impact your burn rate and plan contingencies accordingly. Transparent financial forecasting can build investor confidence and facilitate smoother funding rounds.

Mastering your funding pitch

A compelling pitch deck opens doors to potential investors. Even stresses the importance of aligning your presentation with investor interests, incorporating elements like a succinct executive summary, market potential, and financial projections. Your pitch should not only showcase your business's promise but also resonate with the investor's objectives.

Enhancing your pitch deck

Incorporate storytelling to make your pitch memorable. Share your journey, the problem you are solving, and why your team is uniquely positioned to succeed. Use data and visuals to support your narrative and highlight user testimonials or case studies to add credibility. Tailoring your pitch to each investor's profile and showing how their investment will contribute to your success can make a significant impact.

The funding strategy

What's next: changes in how startups get funded

Even notes a shift towards a more execution-focused investment approach. This evolution presents new challenges and opportunities, necessitating adaptability and a thorough understanding of market trends.

Navigating the evolving investment climate

Stay informed about the latest investment trends and investor preferences. Participate in startup forums, workshops, and webinars to gain insights into what investors are currently valuing. Building a strong online presence and leveraging platforms like LinkedIn can also attract attention from potential investors aligned with your execution strategy.

Picking the right money source

Selecting an inappropriate funding source can hinder your progress. Even's guidance is clear: align your funding source with your company's stage and vision to avoid common pitfalls such as loss of control or misaligned objectives.

Exploring strategic partnerships

Consider forming strategic partnerships with established companies in your industry. These collaborations can provide not only funding but also valuable mentorship, access to a broader customer base, and enhanced credibility. Carefully evaluate potential partners to ensure alignment in vision and values.

Showing you can make money

Demonstrating your business's financial viability is crucial in the early stages. Even suggests focusing on market size, competitive positioning, and robust financial projections. This foundation is vital for attracting the right investors and securing the funding needed for growth.

Building a revenue-generating model

Prioritize building a clear path to revenue from the outset. Experiment with different monetization strategies to find what resonates with your customers. Showcasing a working revenue model, even on a small scale, can significantly strengthen your appeal to investors.

Making your way through the funding process

The journey to secure funding can span several months and demands meticulous preparation. From crafting a polished pitch deck to researching potential investors, Even emphasizes the importance of readiness and clear communication. Early engagement with investors and managing expectations are crucial for a successful funding round.

Leveraging investor networks

Tap into investor networks and use referrals to get introduced to potential supporters. A warm introduction can significantly increase your chances of securing a meeting. Be proactive in seeking feedback from each interaction to refine your approach and pitch for future opportunities.

Final thoughts: solving real problems wins funding

Even's concluding advice to entrepreneurs is to remain focused on addressing customer needs and generating revenue. A business model centered on solving genuine problems will naturally attract investment. Prioritizing customer satisfaction is not only essential for securing funding but also for establishing a lasting enterprise.

In summary, navigating the funding landscape requires a combination of strategic foresight, market insight, and a commitment to addressing real-world problems. It is a challenging endeavour for emerging and expanding businesses aiming to make their mark in the startup ecosystem. However, by validating your concept, strategically navigating funding stages, and forging connections with the right investors, your business can secure the necessary resources to innovate and distinguish itself in a competitive marketplace.


The simple guide to getting your startup funded

Apr 23, 2024
min read
Image efficiency
TABLE OF contents
Location: Klagenfurt, Austria
Organization type: Startup Incubator
Organization size:
10-20 employees
Year founded: 2002
Industry niche:
Technology and Innovation, focusing on IoT and scalable tech startups.

Navigating the financial journey for your startup can feel like exploring a new city without a map. It's a path filled with critical decisions and significant milestones, and without proper guidance, it can seem daunting.

We had the opportunity to sit down with Even Dahl, the co-founder of Acterio, to gather his expert advice to simplify your journey and arm you with practical tips. 

From dream to doing: the money path

The early days: proving it is a good idea first

Even highlights a fundamental shift in mindset for early-stage startups: focus on validating your idea before seeking funding. "Don't go after funds until you really need them," he advises. Use simple approaches like emails and chats to measure interest in your idea. This phase is crucial for demonstrating the viability of your concept with minimal financial resources.

Extending the idea validation phase

To further solidify your idea's foundation, consider creating a minimum viable product (MVP) or prototype. This approach allows you to gather feedback from potential customers and make necessary adjustments before pursuing significant funding. Engage with your target audience through surveys, social media, and beta testing to collect valuable insights. Demonstrating traction and user interest can significantly strengthen your position when you are ready to seek funding.

Understanding the money stages

As your idea gains momentum, familiarizing yourself with the various funding stages becomes essential. From angel investors who support the initial concept and team to Series C funding aimed at scaling revenue, each phase serves a specific purpose. Even talks about a roadmap for navigating these stages, aligning your funding efforts with your business milestones.

Diving deeper into funding stages

Beyond the traditional rounds, explore alternative funding options such as grants, crowdfunding, and revenue-based financing. These sources can offer financial support without diluting ownership. Research and identify the best fit for your startup's stage and goals. Networking with fellow entrepreneurs and attending industry events can also uncover unique funding opportunities tailored to your sector.

The money path illustration

How to nail your funding strategy

Figuring out what you need

Even recommends a strategic approach to funding: accurately determine the capital required to achieve your next significant milestone. This involves a detailed analysis of your operational expenses, product development needs, and hiring plans. Crafting a financial strategy that aligns with your business model and market targets is crucial.

Expanding your financial planning

In addition to calculating immediate needs, project your financial runway to ensure sustainability between funding rounds. Consider scenarios that might impact your burn rate and plan contingencies accordingly. Transparent financial forecasting can build investor confidence and facilitate smoother funding rounds.

Mastering your funding pitch

A compelling pitch deck opens doors to potential investors. Even stresses the importance of aligning your presentation with investor interests, incorporating elements like a succinct executive summary, market potential, and financial projections. Your pitch should not only showcase your business's promise but also resonate with the investor's objectives.

Enhancing your pitch deck

Incorporate storytelling to make your pitch memorable. Share your journey, the problem you are solving, and why your team is uniquely positioned to succeed. Use data and visuals to support your narrative and highlight user testimonials or case studies to add credibility. Tailoring your pitch to each investor's profile and showing how their investment will contribute to your success can make a significant impact.

The funding strategy

What's next: changes in how startups get funded

Even notes a shift towards a more execution-focused investment approach. This evolution presents new challenges and opportunities, necessitating adaptability and a thorough understanding of market trends.

Navigating the evolving investment climate

Stay informed about the latest investment trends and investor preferences. Participate in startup forums, workshops, and webinars to gain insights into what investors are currently valuing. Building a strong online presence and leveraging platforms like LinkedIn can also attract attention from potential investors aligned with your execution strategy.

Picking the right money source

Selecting an inappropriate funding source can hinder your progress. Even's guidance is clear: align your funding source with your company's stage and vision to avoid common pitfalls such as loss of control or misaligned objectives.

Exploring strategic partnerships

Consider forming strategic partnerships with established companies in your industry. These collaborations can provide not only funding but also valuable mentorship, access to a broader customer base, and enhanced credibility. Carefully evaluate potential partners to ensure alignment in vision and values.

Showing you can make money

Demonstrating your business's financial viability is crucial in the early stages. Even suggests focusing on market size, competitive positioning, and robust financial projections. This foundation is vital for attracting the right investors and securing the funding needed for growth.

Building a revenue-generating model

Prioritize building a clear path to revenue from the outset. Experiment with different monetization strategies to find what resonates with your customers. Showcasing a working revenue model, even on a small scale, can significantly strengthen your appeal to investors.

Making your way through the funding process

The journey to secure funding can span several months and demands meticulous preparation. From crafting a polished pitch deck to researching potential investors, Even emphasizes the importance of readiness and clear communication. Early engagement with investors and managing expectations are crucial for a successful funding round.

Leveraging investor networks

Tap into investor networks and use referrals to get introduced to potential supporters. A warm introduction can significantly increase your chances of securing a meeting. Be proactive in seeking feedback from each interaction to refine your approach and pitch for future opportunities.

Final thoughts: solving real problems wins funding

Even's concluding advice to entrepreneurs is to remain focused on addressing customer needs and generating revenue. A business model centered on solving genuine problems will naturally attract investment. Prioritizing customer satisfaction is not only essential for securing funding but also for establishing a lasting enterprise.

In summary, navigating the funding landscape requires a combination of strategic foresight, market insight, and a commitment to addressing real-world problems. It is a challenging endeavour for emerging and expanding businesses aiming to make their mark in the startup ecosystem. However, by validating your concept, strategically navigating funding stages, and forging connections with the right investors, your business can secure the necessary resources to innovate and distinguish itself in a competitive marketplace.